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Uhrzeit um 1 ST. zurück setzen bei DBox?


Empfohlene Beiträge

Die Zeitzone wird in der Datei /var/etc/profile festgelegt.


Such in der Datei mal folgenden Eintrag:


# timezone, only applicable for middle europe

export TZ=CET-1CEST,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3


beim Eintrag CET-1CEST die Zahl vor CEST anpassen.


Musst du mal durchprobieren, ich nehme mal an bei dir muss da entweder -0 oder -2 stehen. Wenns

um England geht auf jeden Fall -0.



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  • 2 weeks later...
well I've got the same problem but when I try to change it doesn't let me.

What must I do to have the correct time in a keywelt neutrino image?



PS: the K2 Keywelt image is fabulous!!! Thank you very much.

first jou have to use a unix-editor like notepad2 (google)!

put the file via ftp to your pc!

edit it with notepad2!

take it back to the box!





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Well I did so but the settings remain the same as before the change.

It seems they are written protected or they are related to some other file which restores the previous values.

Thx anyway.

don't turn off the box with remote control!

use the up-button and the power-button for reset!




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