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Ladeschleife / kein System


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:rolleyes: Hallo ;)


Meine DBox2 (Nokia 2x Intel) hatte im orginal Zustand eine "Ladeschleife". Ich habe sie mit der MHC-Methode in den Debug-Modus gebracht. Nun wollte ich mit dem DBox2 Bootmanager ein Image aufspielen. Leider funktioniert das nicht. Kann das Image zwar einspielen, doch dann kommt beim Starten der Box immer kein System. Das mit dem 1x und 2x Image habe ich beachtet. Wer kann mir helfen??? Bin für jeden Tip dankbar.


mfg dj-tacker

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Hi! Hier mein LOG!


debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 67.79 BogoMIPS

debug: BMon V1.0 mID 01

debug: feID dd gtxID 0b

debug: fpID 5a dsID xx-xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx-xx

debug: HWrev X5 SWrev 0.81

debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08

WATCHDOG reset enabled

dbox2:root> debug:

BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)


debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast

debug: Got BOOTP reply from Server IP, My IP

debug: Sending TFTP-request for file C/Programme/DBoxBoot/ppcboot

will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 222280

verify sig: 262

boot net: boot file has no valid signature

Branching to 0x40000



ppcboot 0.6.4 (Jul 12 2001 - 02:51:28)



CPU: PPC823ZTnnA at 67 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache

*** Warning: CPU Core has Silicon Bugs -- Check the Errata ***

Board: ### No HW ID - assuming TQM8xxL

DRAM: (faked) 32 MB

Ethernet: 00-50-9c-1d-e2-1b


FB logo at: none

Input: serial

Output: serial


mfg dj-tacker

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debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 67.79 BogoMIPS

debug: BMon V1.0 mID 01

debug: feID dd gtxID 0b

debug: fpID 5a dsID xx-xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx-xx

debug: HWrev X5 SWrev 0.81

debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08

WATCHDOG reset enabled

dbox2:root> debug:

BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)


debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast

debug: Got BOOTP reply from Server IP, My IP

debug: Sending TFTP-request for file C/Programme/DBoxBoot/ppcboot

will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 222280

verify sig: 262

boot net: boot file has no valid signature

Branching to 0x40000



ppcboot 0.6.4 (Jul 12 2001 - 02:51:28)



CPU: PPC823ZTnnA at 67 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache

*** Warning: CPU Core has Silicon Bugs -- Check the Errata ***

Board: ### No HW ID - assuming TQM8xxL

DRAM: (faked) 32 MB

Ethernet: 00-50-9c-1d-e2-1b


FB logo at: none

Input: serial

Output: serial


Any key druecken um das Flashing abzubrechen.. : 0

LCD driver (KS0713) initialized

Logo FlashingBOOTP broadcast 1

TFTP from server; our IP address is

Filename '/tftpboot/13.img'.

Load address: 0x100000

Loading: T T T T T T T T T

Retry count exceeded; starting again

BOOTP broadcast 2

TFTP from server; our IP address is

Filename '/tftpboot/13.img'.

Load address: 0x100000

Loading: #######################################################################






















lo: 0x100000unprotecting 4

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 5

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 6

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 7

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 8

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 9

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting a

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting b

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting c

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting d

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting e

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting f

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 10

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 11

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 12

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 13

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 14

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 15

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 16

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 17

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 18

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 19

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 1a

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 1b

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 1c

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 1d

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 1e

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 1f

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 20

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 21

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 22

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 23

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 24

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 25

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 26

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 27

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 28

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 29

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 2a

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 2b

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 2c

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 2d

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 2e

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 2f

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 30

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 31

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 32

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 33

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 34

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 35

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 36

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 37

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 38

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 39

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 3a

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 3b

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 3c

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 3d

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 3e

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 3f

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 40

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 41

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] unprotecting 42

[10001]-> [0] [s800080] Un-Protected 63 sectors

Erase Flash from 0x10020000 to 0x107fffff

sector 66 .... done

Erased 63 sectors

Copy to Flash... done

LCD driver (KS0713) initialized

Logo Flashing done !


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  • Admin



Also das Log sieht bilderbuchmäßig aus. Schließe jetzt mal den Bootmanager

und starte die Box neu. Sollte sie immer noch nicht hochlaufen, dann den Boot-

manager noch mal starten, nur einen Haken bei Com-Schnittstelle setzen (alle

anderen Haken raus), die Baudrate auf 9600 stellen und auf Start drücken.

Dann die Box einstecken und das Log vom Start bitte noch mal posten.

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  • Admin



Sollte sie immer noch nicht hochlaufen, dann den Boot-

manager noch mal starten, nur einen Haken bei Com-Schnittstelle setzen (alle

anderen Haken raus), die Baudrate auf 9600 stellen und auf Start drücken.

Dann die Box einstecken und das Log vom Start bitte noch mal posten.

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Habe das ganze Log nochmal eingestellt!


debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 67.79 BogoMIPS

debug: BMon V1.0 mID 01

debug: feID dd gtxID 0b

debug: fpID 5a dsID xx-xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx-xx

debug: HWrev X5 SWrev 0.81

debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08

WATCHDOG reset enabled

dbox2:root> debug:

BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)


debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast

debug: Got BOOTP reply from Server IP, My IP

debug: Sending TFTP-request for file C/PROGRAMME/DBOXBOOT/ppcboot_writeflash

will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 201596

verify sig: 262


mfg dj-tacker

boot net: boot file has no valid signature

Branching to 0x40000



ppcboot 0.6.4 (Apr 11 2002 - 16:10:44)



CPU: PPC823ZTnnA at 67 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache

*** Warning: CPU Core has Silicon Bugs -- Check the Errata ***

Board: ### No HW ID - assuming TQM8xxL

DRAM: (faked) 32 MB

Ethernet: 00-50-9c-1d-e2-1b


LCD driver (KS0713) initialized

BOOTP broadcast 1

TFTP from server; our IP address is

Filename 'C/PROGRAMME/tftpboot/logo-lcd'.

Load address: 0x130000

Loading: ##


LCD logo at: 0x130000 (0x1F9FFC0 bytes)

BOOTP broadcast 1

TFTP from server; our IP address is

Filename 'C/PROGRAMME/tftpboot/logo-fb'.

Load address: 0x120000

Loading: #########


FB logo at: 0x0 (0x1FC0000 bytes)

AVIA Frambuffer

Input: serial

Output: serial



1: Console on ttyS0

2: Console on null

3: Console on framebuffer

Select (1-3), other keys to stop autoboot: 0

dbox2-ppcboot> bootp 100000 /C/dbox2/Orginal.img

BOOTP broadcast 1

TFTP from server; our IP address is

Filename '/C/dbox2/Orginal.img'.

Load address: 0x100000

Loading: #######################################################################























dbox2-ppcboot> protect off 10020000 107fffff


Un-Protected 63 sectors


dbox2-ppcboot> erase 10020000 107fffff

Erase Flash from 0x10020000 to 0x107fffff

sector 66 .... done

Erased 63 sectors


dbox2-ppcboot> cp.l 120000 10020000 1F8000

Copy to Flash... done

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  • Admin



Hm, das war wieder das Log vom Flashen. Nimm nach dem Flashen mal alle Haken

beim Bootmanger raus außer bei Com-Schnittstelle. Die stellst Du auf 9600 Baud

und drückst auf Start. Wenn Du nun die Box einsteckst, sollte das Log vom Booten

(nicht vom Flashen) der Box kommen.

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debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 67.79 BogoMIPS

debug: BMon V1.0 mID 01

debug: feID dd gtxID 0b

debug: fpID 5a dsID xx-xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx-xx

debug: HWrev X5 SWrev 0.81

debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08

WATCHDOG reset enabled

dbox2:root> debug:

BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)


debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast

debug: Given up BOOTP/TFTP boot

boot net failed


Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)


Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1

File /root/platform/nokia-dbox2/kernel/os not found: No such file or directory

boot flash /root/platform/nokia-dbox2/kernel/os failed


Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)


Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1

File /root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/kernel/os not found: No such file or directory

boot flash /root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/kernel/os failed


Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)


Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1

Found file /root/platform/kernel/os in Flash-FS

boot flash /root/platform/kernel/os failed


Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)


Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1

File /root.new/platform/nokia-dbox2/kernel/os not found: No such file or directo


boot flash /root.new/platform/nokia-dbox2/kernel/os failed


Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)


Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1

File /root.new/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/kernel/os not found: No such file or direct


boot flash /root.new/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/kernel/os failed


Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)


Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1

File /root.new/platform/kernel/os not found: No such file or directory

boot flash /root.new/platform/kernel/os failed


Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)


Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1

File /lost+found/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/kernel/os not found: No such file or


boot flash /lost+found/root/platform/nokia-dbox2/kernel/os failed


Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)


Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1

File /lost+found/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/kernel/os not found: No such file or


boot flash /lost+found/root/platform/mpc8xx-dbox2/kernel/os failed


Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)


Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1

File /lost+found/root/platform/kernel/os not found: No such file or directory

boot flash /lost+found/root/platform/kernel/os failed


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  • Admin



Also wenn Du wirklich eine 2xI-Box hast und 100%ig ein 2xI-Image geflasht hast,

ist Dein Flash oder eine seiner Ansteuerbaugruppen im Eimer, da das Betriebssys-

tem nicht gefunden wird. Beim Flashen wird leider kein Rücklesen gemacht, so daß

man jetzt nicht sagen kann, ob es wirklich ein Hardwaredefekt oder doch nur der

falsche Imagetyp war. Das Bootlog bei einem falschen Imagetyp sieht nämlich ge-

nau so aus.

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