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  1. hallo ich habe unter vista folgende fehlermeldung im log vom d-box winserver: Hook exe nicht installiert und er nimmt nicht auf von der dbox. unter xp läuft alles -also auf der box ist alles ok. Liegt wohl an vista ,hat es was mit framwork zu tun ? wer weis rat?danke
  2. hatte mit 001a doch auch oft diese hänger auf der zickenbox. nun kaum noch -in 2 tagen einmal und mit 14 er läuft sie nun auch.mal also hat sich doch was geändert.!?
  3. nur zur info box läuft seit stunden durch mit umschalten -streamen. siehe ein beitrag davor. box läuft seit gestern abend ohne zicken -bin erstaunt ,die war so was von hartnäckig sonst. denke das die kühlung ihren anteil daran hat.
  4. ich habe heute meiner grauen sagem 2x avia 600 eine kühlung spendiert und das modem ausgebaut .nach langen lesen zu diesem thema und das ausprobieren von 6 verschiedenen images und einstellungen. die box ist nun relativ kühl und mit dem modem wegen event. stromverbrauch , was ja bei den sagemboxen nicht unwichtig ist. brauche allerdings den platz bald für das ide interface. einstellungen box spts treiber aus hw-aus avia watchdog ein enx-ein pmt -aus avia 600 vb022 ucode001a mit dem aktuellen petzeimage und dem keywelt sept. mit hdd 18.3 läuft die box stabil . ändere ich auf ucode 14 oder vortex hängt sie sich nach ca. 20 min auf. vor der kühlung hatte ich aufhänger schon nach 2-3 mal umschalten oder 3 min dauerbetrieb auf einem kanal. habe jetzt 40 min dauerbetrieb und ca. 40 x umgeschaltet und box läuft. mit avia 600 vb022 ucode001a die kühlung habe ich über den netzteil eingebaut am deckel-ein ganz flacher ati grak.karten kühler.zieht schön die luft nach oben raus. vieleicht hilft es jemanden weiter.
  5. ich bin sehr traurig darüber und kann es noch gar nicht richtig fassen. wirst nie vergessen werden von uns allen hier. mein beileid an alle hinterbliebenen.
  6. geht sowas auch für den internetexplorer
  7. hätte gerne auch die zugangsdaten danke bis bald!
  8. auf jeden fall super image -meine sagem zicke läuft endlich wieder rund . umschalten super gut und bild auch . danke an das team!!!!!!!
  9. Toller Start ins neue Jahr -danke an das Team und alles gute zum neuen J ahr
  10. danke läuft flott wie sau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. linuxe

    super image august

    also großen dank an die macher dieses image -es ist super -auf allen boxen ,sehr stabil und gut zu handhaben!! die neue camd3 und die öffnung des spanischen himmels sind ja der hammer seit langer zeit. danke allen denen die daran gearbeitet haben. steter tropfen höhlt den stein oder die verschlüsslung.
  12. es ist nicht nicht zu fassen-in deutschland gibt es noch zu viele solche analkatzen. man merkt es im alltag und besonders in der akt. politik. oder waren es doch zu viele pilze ?!
  13. hat sich geklärt ,war minimale verstellung an schüssel .orf transponder ist da sehr empfindlich mit dem empfang.
  14. linuxe

    kein ORF Empfang?!

    habe plötzlich keinen orf empfang mehr ,habe die keys geupdatet . die verschlüsseln doch mit betacrypt?was muß in der keydatei stehen ? im keyordner habe ich nur seca datein ,hatte mal noch nagra ,,conax und irdeto sonst. Habe sendersuchlauf neu gemacht und mein satempfang ist in ordnung. habe ich was verpaßt aber sollte doch bis 2007 gehen.
  15. danke das problem ist geklärt ,also diese einstellungen bleiben leer bei mir. trotzdem läuft mein bildbetrachter nicht. habe bilder auf C:Bilder also auch gemountet auf C:Bilder oder muß es C:/Bilder heißen beim mounten. beim mounten zeigt er mir keinen fehler an aber es geht trotzdem nicht. benutzername dbox2 wie beim movieplayer kennwort auch so -beim movieplayer geht das. verzeichnisse freigegeben wie gesagt. mountverzeichniss auf der box mnt/bilder was ist noch zu beachten?
  16. habe den bildbetrachter lange nicht genutzt und stelle nun im juniimage fest das da unter einstellungen server ip und serverport stehen. was ist in den fall gemeint? die ip ist die vom pc -wie beim movieplayer denke ich!?. aber der port? wäre sehr dankbar für hilfe.
  17. das ist jetzt der neuste bootslog warum geht das plötzlich so? sagt der inhalt was aus? [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [neutrino] frameBuffer Instance created /dev/fb/0: No such file or directory framebuffer not available. FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO: Bad file descriptor FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO: Bad file descriptor [neutrino] Error while setting framebuffer mode [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory starte pcamd -kill [camd]: fahre runter... [camd]: Slot1: schliesse... [camd]: Slot1: warte auf Monitor... [camd]: Slot1: geschlossen [camd]: Slot2: schliesse... [camd]: Slot2: geschlossen [camd]: Slot3: schliesse... [camd]: Slot3: warte auf Monitor... [camd]: Slot3: geschlossen [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [camd]: Slot3: CA_SEND_MSG - Bad file descriptor [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [camd]: KeyDB: beendet camd !!!STREAMBOARD!!! dbox2 v3.684b - erfolgreich beendet Warte auf camd3xx (max. 5 seconds) [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory Entlade Multicam-Treiber [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory zapit shot down [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [basicsocket] receive_data: Connection reset by peer [CBasicClient] receive failed: /tmp/zapit.sock [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. Waiting for controld (max. 9 seconds) [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused Waiting for controld (max. 8 seconds) [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory Waiting for controld (max. 7 seconds) /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused Waiting for controld (max. 6 seconds) [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [CBasicClient] connect failed. /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory Waiting for controld (max. 5 seconds) [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory Waiting for controld (max. 4 seconds) [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory Waiting for controld (max. 3 seconds) [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory Waiting for controld (max. 2 seconds) [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory Waiting for controld (max. 1 seconds) [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory [sectionsd] open dmx: No such file or directory CXA2126 found The system is going down NOW !! Sending SIGTERM to all processe[nhttpd] stop requested...... Sending SIGKILL to all processes. The system is halted. Press Reset or turn off power
  18. nun geht die box nicht mehr aus ,bleibt aber im loading kernel stehen
  19. so das ist das squashimage debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 66.76 BogoMIPS debug: BMon V1.2 mID 03 debug: feID 00 enxID 03 debug: fpID 52 dsID dsID überschreiben debug: HWrev 61 FPrev 0.23 debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08 WATCHDOG reset enabled dbox2:root> debug: BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3) debug: debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast debug: Given up BOOTP/TFTP boot boot net failed Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5) Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1 Found file /root/platform/sagem-dbox2/kernel/os in Flash-FS debug: Got Block #0040 will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 160940 verify sig: 263 Branching to 0x40000 U-Boot 1.1.2 (Tuxbox) (May 22 2005 - 13:40:01) CPU: PPC823ZTnnB2 at 66 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache Board: DBOX2, Sagem, BMon V1.2 Watchdog enabled I2C: ready DRAM: 32 MB FLASH: 8 MB Scanning JFFS2 FS: .. done. FB: ready LCD: ready In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: SCC ETHERNET Options: 1: Console on null 2: Console on ttyS0 3: Console on framebuffer Select option (1-3), other keys to stop autoboot: 0 ### FS (squashfs) loading 'vmlinuz' to 0x100000 ### FS load complete: 627260 bytes loaded to 0x100000 ............................................................... Un-Protected 63 sectors ## Booting image at 00100000 ... Image Name: dbox2 Image Type: PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed) Data Size: 627196 Bytes = 612.5 kB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK Linux version 2.4.27-dbox2 (image@Tower) (gcc version 3.3.5) #2 So Mai 22 14:09: 01 CEST 2005 On node 0 totalpages: 8192 zone(0): 8192 pages. zone(1): 0 pages. zone(2): 0 pages. Kernel command line: console=ttyS0 root=/dev/mtdblock1 rootfstype=squashfs Decrementer Frequency = 247500000/60 m8xx_wdt: active wdt found (SWTC: 0xFFFF, SWP: 0x1) m8xx_wdt: keep-alive trigger installed (PITC: 0x2000) Console: colour dummy device 80x25 Calibrating delay loop... 65.74 BogoMIPS Memory: 30904k available (1068k kernel code, 336k data, 60k init, 0k highmem) Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) Inode cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) Buffer cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) Page-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4 Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039 Initializing RT netlink socket Starting kswapd devfs: v1.12c (20020818) Richard Gooch (rgooch@atnf.csiro.au) devfs: boot_options: 0x1 JFFS2 version 2.2. © 2001-2003 Red Hat, Inc. Squashfs 2.1-r2 (released 2004/12/15) © 2002-2004 Phillip Lougher i2c-core.o: i2c core module version 2.6.1 (20010830) i2c-dev.o: i2c /dev entries driver module version 2.6.1 (20010830) CPM UART driver version 0.04 ttyS0 at 0x0280 is on SMC1 using BRGttyS1 at 0x0380 is on SMC2 using BRG2 pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured eth0: CPM ENET Version 0.2.dbox2 on SCC2, 00:50:9c:3b:b9:fb loop: loaded (max 8 devices) D-Box 2 flash driver (size->0x800000 mem->0x10000000) CFI: Found no D-Box 2 flash memory device at location zero D-Box 2 flash memory: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit mode Intel/Sharp Extended Query Table at 0x0031 cfi_cmdset_0001: Erase suspend on write enabled Using buffer write method Creating 6 MTD partitions on "D-Box 2 flash memory": 0x00000000-0x00020000 : "BR bootloader" 0x00020000-0x004a0000 : "root (squashfs)" 0x004a0000-0x007e0000 : "var (jffs2)" 0x007e0000-0x00800000 : "flfs (u-boot)" 0x00020000-0x00800000 : "flash without bootloader" 0x00000000-0x00800000 : "complete flash" Linux video capture interface: v1.00 mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0 IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4Kbytes TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 4096) NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0. VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly. Mounted devfs on /dev Freeing unused kernel memory: 60k init init started: BusyBox v1.00 (2005.05.22-11:56+0000) multi-call bjffs2_scan_eras eblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x002a0000: 0xeeaa instead jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x002a0004: 0xaaaa in stead jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x002a0008: 0xaeaf in stead jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x002a000c: 0xafaa in stead jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x002a0010: 0xaaaa in stead jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x002a0014: 0xaaaa in stead jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x002a0018: 0xbbbf in stead jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x002a001c: 0xaeaa in stead jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x002a0020: 0xbbee in stead jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x002a0024: 0xafae in stead Further such events for this erase block will not be printed Empty flash at 0x002a0584 ends at 0x002a0588 Empty flash at 0x002a0638 ends at 0x002a063c Empty flash at 0x002a0640 ends at 0x002a0644 Empty flash at 0x002a0820 ends at 0x002a0824 Empty flash at 0x002a0904 ends at 0x002a0908 Empty flash at 0x002a0930 ends at 0x002a0934 Empty flash at 0x002a0988 ends at 0x002a098c Empty flash at 0x002a09a0 ends at 0x002a09a4 Empty flash at 0x002a09b8 ends at 0x002a09bc Empty flash at 0x002a09e4 ends at 0x002a09e8 Empty flash at 0x002a0bf0 ends at 0x002a0bf4 Empty flash at 0x002a0c2c ends at 0x002a0c30 Empty flash at 0x002a0dc4 ends at 0x002a0dc8 Empty flash at 0x002a0e44 ends at 0x002a0e48 Empty flash at 0x002a0e7c ends at 0x002a0e80 Empty flash at 0x002a0f88 ends at 0x002a0f8c Empty flash at 0x002a1004 ends at 0x002a100c Empty flash at 0x002a1024 ends at 0x002a1028 Empty flash at 0x002a1030 ends at 0x002a1034 Empty flash at 0x002a1094 ends at 0x002a1098 Empty flash at 0x002a110c ends at 0x002a1110 Empty flash das geht endlos so weiter ich habe abgebrochen
  20. das gleiche wieder beim märz image und beim nexus 1x auch debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 66.76 BogoMIPS debug: BMon V1.2 mID 03 debug: feID 00 enxID 03 debug: fpID 52 EIDT WORSCHTER: dsID immer überschreiben debug: HWrev 61 FPrev 0.23 debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08 WATCHDOG reset enabled dbox2:root> debug: BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3) debug: debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast debug: Got BOOTP reply from Server IP, My IP debug: Sending TFTP-request for file H/Programme/DBoxBoot/ppcboot_writeflash will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 201596 verify sig: 262 boot net: boot file has no valid signature Branching to 0x40000 ppcboot 0.6.4 (Apr 11 2002 - 16:10:44) Initializing... CPU: PPC823ZTnnB2 at 66 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache Board: ### No HW ID - assuming TQM8xxL DRAM: (faked) 32 MB Ethernet: 00-50-9c-3b-b9-fb FLASH: 8 MB LCD driver (KS0713) initialized BOOTP broadcast 1 TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'H/Programme/tftpboot/logo-lcd'. Load address: 0x130000 Loading: ## done LCD logo at: 0x130000 (0x1F9FFC0 bytes) BOOTP broadcast 1 TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'H/Programme/tftpboot/logo-fb'. Load address: 0x120000 Loading: ######### done FB logo at: 0x0 (0x1FC0000 bytes) AVIA Frambuffer Input: serial Output: serial 1: Console on ttyS0 2: Console on null 3: Console on framebuffer Select (1-3), other keys to stop autoboot: 0 BOOTP broadcast 1 TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'H/Programme/tftpboot/kernel-cdk'. Load address: 0x100000 Loading: T T T T T T T T T Retry count exceeded; starting again BOOTP broadcast 2 TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'H/Programme/tftpboot/kernel-cdk'. Load address: 0x100000 Loading: T T T T
  21. ist der log vom 1x image keywelt ,aber der stoppt zu früh debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 66.76 BogoMIPS debug: BMon V1.2 mID 03 debug: feID 00 enxID 03 debug: fpID 52 dsID XXXXXX dsID immer überschreiben Gruß homer1974 debug: HWrev 61 FPrev 0.23 debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08 WATCHDOG reset enabled dbox2:root> debug: BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3) debug: debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast debug: Given up BOOTP/TFTP boot boot net failed Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5) Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1 Found file /root/platform/sagem-dbox2/kernel/os in Flash-FS debug: Got Block #0040 will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 152952 verify sig: 263 Branching to 0x40000 U-Boot 1.1.2 (TuxBox) (May 23 2004 - 21:44:01) CPU: PPC823ZTnnB2 at 66 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache Board: DBOX2, Sagem, BMon V1.2 Watchdog enabled I2C: ready DRAM: 32 MB FLASH: 8 MB Scanning JFFS2 FS: ....... done. FB: ready LCD: ready In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: SCC ETHERNET Options: 1: Console on null 2: Console on ttyS0 3: Console on framebuffer Select option (1-3), other keys to stop autoboot: 0 ............................................................... Un-Protected 63 sectors ### FS (jffs2) loading 'vmlinuz' to 0x100000 ### FS load complete: 625303 bytes loaded to 0x100000 ## Booting image at 00100000 ... Image Name: dbox2 Image Type: PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed) Data Size: 625239 Bytes = 610.6 kB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
  22. habe ein anderes image genommen -so sieht der log aus wenn ich die box boote. In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: SCC ETHERNET Scanning JFFS2 FS: ... done. Options: 1: console on ttyS0 2: console on fb0 3: console on null Select option (1-3), other keys to stop autoboot: 0 ### FS (cramfs) loading 'vmlinuz' to 0x100000 ### FS load complete: 618889 bytes loaded to 0x100000 ............................................................... Un-Protected 63 sectors ## Booting image at 00100000 ... Image Name: dbox2 Image Type: PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed) Data Size: 618825 Bytes = 604.3 kB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK Linux version 2.4.25-dbox2 (root@mh) (gcc version 3.2.3) #15 Sat Feb 21 15:55:32 MSK 2004 On node 0 totalpages: 8192 zone(0): 8192 pages. zone(1): 0 pages. zone(2): 0 pages. Kernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblock3 rootfstype=squashfs console=ttyS0 Decrementer Frequency = 247500000/60 m8xx_wdt: active wdt found (SWTC: 0xFFFF, SWP: 0x1) m8xx_wdt: keep-alive trigger installed (PITC: 0x2000) Console: colour dummy device 80x25 Calibrating delay loop... 65.74 BogoMIPS Memory: 30872k available (1064k kernel code, 372k data, 60k init, 0k highmem) Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) Inode cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) Buffer cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) Page-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4 Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039 Initializing RT netlink socket Starting kswapd devfs: v1.12c (20020818) Richard Gooch (rgooch@atnf.csiro.au) devfs: boot_options: 0x1 JFFS2 version 2.2. © 2001-2003 Red Hat, Inc. i2c-core.o: i2c core module version 2.6.1 (20010830) i2c-dev.o: i2c /dev entries driver module version 2.6.1 (20010830) CPM UART driver version 0.04 ttyS0 at 0x0280 is on SMC1 using BRGttyS1 at 0x0380 is on SMC2 using BRG2 pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured eth0: CPM ENET Version 0.2.dbox2 on SCC2, 00:50:9c:3b:b9:fb D-Box 2 flash driver (size->0x800000 mem->0x10000000) CFI: Found no D-Box 2 flash memory device at location zero D-Box 2 flash memory: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit mode Intel/Sharp Extended Query Table at 0x0031 cfi_cmdset_0001: Erase suspend on write enabled Using buffer write method Creating 7 MTD partitions on "D-Box 2 flash memory": 0x00000000-0x00020000 : "BR bootloader" 0x00020000-0x00040000 : "flfs (ppcboot)" 0x00040000-0x000e0000 : "boot (cramfs)" 0x000e0000-0x00640000 : "root (squashfs)" 0x00640000-0x00800000 : "var (jffs2)" 0x00020000-0x00800000 : "flash without bootloader" 0x00000000-0x00800000 : "complete flash" Linux video capture interface: v1.00 NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0 IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4Kbytes TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 4096) NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0. VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly. Mounted devfs on /dev Freeing unused kernel memory: 60k init init started: BusyBox v1.00-pre8 (2004.03.07-13:49+0000) multi-cUsing /lib/modu les/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/tuxbox.o Detected STB: Vendor: Sagem Model: D-BOX2 Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/dvb-core.o Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/dbox2_i2c.o [i2c-8xx]: mpc 8xx i2c init [i2c-8xx]: adapter: 0 Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/dvb_i2c_bridge.o Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/event.o event: $Id: event.c,v 1.12 2003/09/30 05:45:38 obi Exp $ Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/dbox2_fp.o Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/dbox2_fp_input.o Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/at76c651.o Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/ves1x93.o Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avs.o Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/saa7126.o Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/cam.o $Id: cam.c,v 1.30 2004/01/10 16:36:34 alexw Exp $ Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/lcd.o lcd.o: init lcd driver module lcd.o: found KS0713/SED153X lcd interface Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avia_av.o avia_av: $Id: avia_av_core.c,v 1.90 2004/03/17 10:44:15 diemade Exp $ avia_av: microcode verify: 5789 errors. avia_av: timeout waiting for decoder init to complete. (00000001) insmod: init_module: avia_av: Input/output error Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avia_gt.o insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_set_stc Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avia_gt_fb.o insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_copyarea insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_show insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_get_clut insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_get_blevel insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_set_input_size insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_set_pos insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_hide insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_get_info insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_set_size insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_set_input_mode insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_set_clut insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_set_blevel insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_gv_get_info Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avia_gt_lirc.o insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_ir_exit insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_ir_receive_pulse insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_ir_receive_data insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_ir_get_rx_buffer_write_position insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_ir_send_buffer insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_ir_queue_pulse insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_ir_init insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_ir_set_duty_cycle insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_ir_set_frequency insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_ir_get_rx_buffer_read_position Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avia_gt_oss.o insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_set_sample_rate insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_play_buffer insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_stop insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_set_signed insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_set_endian insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_set_rate insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_set_width insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_poll insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_set_channels insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_get_sample_rate insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_set_pcm_attenuation insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_get_block_size Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avia_gt_v4l2.o insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pig_show insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pig_set_stack insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pig_set_size insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pig_set_pos insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pig_hide Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avia_napi.o $Id: avia_napi.c,v 1.18 2003/11/24 09:53:01 obi Exp $ DVB: registering new adapter (C-Cube AViA GTX/eNX with AViA 500/600). DVB: registering frontend 0:0 (Atmel AT76C651A with DAT7021(TUA6010XS))... dvb_i2c_bridge: enabled DVB i2c bridge to PowerPC 8xx I2C adapter Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/cam_napi.o $Id: cam_napi.c,v 1.8 2003/09/30 05:45:34 obi Exp $ Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avia_av_napi.o insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_stream_type_set insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_register_video_event_handler insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_set_audio_attenuation insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_write insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_pid_set insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_audio_pts_to_stc insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_queue_write insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_enable_clip_mode insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_disable_clip_mode insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_play_state_set_video insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_unregister_video_event_handler insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_get_video_size insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_play_state_set_audio insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_read insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_pcm_set_mpeg_attenuation insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_new_audio_config insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_set_video_system insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_bypass_mode_set insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_sync_mode_set insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_queue_nr_get_bytes_free Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avia_gt_napi.o insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_get_ucode_info insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_vbi_start insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_queue_reset insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_napi_decoder_stop insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_ecd_reset insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_queue_stop insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_queue_irq_enable insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_set_pcr_pid insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_vbi_stop insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_free_section_filter insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_audio_pts_to_stc insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_queue_write insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_alloc_queue_teletext insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_enable_clip_mode insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_disable_framer insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_set_pid_table insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_disable_clip_mode insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_ecd_set_key insmod: unresolved symbol avia_av_napi_decoder_start insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_alloc_section_filter insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_queue_start insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_get_info insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_ecd_set_pid insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_enable_framer insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_alloc_queue_video insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_free_queue insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_alloc_queue_audio insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_alloc_queue_user insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_accel_crc32 Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/dbox2_fp_napi.o Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/avia_gt_proc.o insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_ecd_reset insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_dmx_ecd_set_key insmod: unresolved symbol avia_gt_get_info Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/emlog.o emlog: version 0.40 rev. s running, using major number 241 Using /lib/modules/2.4.25-dbox2/misc/camd.o [camd-cardserver.o] compiled Feb 21 2004, 19:18:42 [camd-cardserver.o] ioport base = ff000950 [camd-cardserver.o] commproc base = ff0009c0 Please press Enter to activate this console. + cp /var/keys/irdeto /tmp/irdeto + cp /var/keys/seca /tmp/seca + cp /var/keys/via /tmp/via + cp /var/keys/nagra /tmp/nagra + cp /var/keys/conax /tmp/conax + cp /var/keys/SoftCam.Key /tmp/SoftCam.Key + cp /var/keys/Conax.Key /tmp/Conax.Key Using /var/bin/multicam.o DBox2 Multicam Driver v1.01 skars & doz21 [cardserver 04:46:58] compiled Apr 9 2004, 09:06:07 [cardserver 04:46:58] Error opening config file /var/tuxbox/config/cardserv.cfg. : not found/start_enigma: 8: --- EMUD v 1.39 by [ruDREAM team] --- --- all ok --- [EMUD] kills all known's Demons killall: mgcamd: no process killed killall: newcamd: no process killed killall: camx: no process killed killall: camd3: no process killed killall: rdgd: no process killed killall: netpilot: no process killed killall: cardserv: no process killed killall: cardserver: no process killed [EMUD] check full patsh to start Emudemon=[newcamd &] [newcamd 04:47:04] compiled Sep 25 2004, 03:36:32 [newcamd 04:47:04] using demux api 3, gtx output 16 bytes [newcamd 04:47:04] /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0: No such file or directory [newcamd 04:47:05] Error: demux device could not be opened. Shutting down. Kick to background... [EMUD] go on PID=136 [EMUD] setsid=113 SwitchEmuServer.sh: applet not found [] Konfigurationsdatei wurde geladen. killall: MGcamd: no process killed killall: camd3: no process killed killall: camx: no process killed killall: newcamd: no process killed killall: scam: no process killed [] Alle Emulationen wurden beendet. /var/bin/SwitchEmu_Scripte/MGcamd.switch: 14: ./MGcamd: not found wget: Unable to connect to remote host ( Connection refused [] Programm wurde erneut ausgewhlt. [] Emulation MGcamd gestartet. [] Warte auf externe Befehle... mv: unable to rename `/var/tuxbox/config/enigma/registry': No such file or direc tory /dev/fb/0: No such file or directory framebuffer not available. no framebuffer available no active skin Shutdown + cp /tmp/irdeto /var/keys/irdeto + cp /tmp/seca /var/keys/seca + cp /tmp/via /var/keys/via + cp /tmp/nagra /var/keys/nagra + cp /tmp/conax /var/keys/conax + cp /tmp/SoftCam.Key /var/keys/SoftCam.Key + cp /tmp/Conax.Key /var/keys/Conax.Key system shutdown... /etc/init.d/rcK: 6: /bin/switch: not found umount: /var: Device or resource busy umount: /tmp: Device or resource busy umount: /dev: Device or resource busy The system is going down NOW !! Sending SIGTERM to all processe[EMUD] intercepted signal = 15 [EMUD] kills all known's Demons killall: mgcamd: no process killed killall: newcamd: no process killed killall: camx: no process killed killall: camd3: no process killed killall: rdgd: no process killed Sending SIGKILL to all processes. The system is halted. Press Reset or turn off power dann ist sie aus. wer kann was entnehmen?danke
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