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Beiträge erstellt von paradroid70

  1. nach der widerherstellung des ram´s kam leider kein erfolg. box bleibt nach wie vor im startbild hängen. wenn noch jemand anderes ne idee hat? hier mein log was meiner meinung nach ok ist:


    «debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 66.76 BogoMIPS

    debug: BMon V1.0 mID 02

    debug: feID 00 enxID 03

    debug: fpID 52 dsID http://Hallenberg.com

    debug: HWrev 01 FPrev 0.30

    debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08

    debug: autoboot aborted from terminal


    dbox2:root> boot net net net net net net net net net net


    BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)


    debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast

    debug: Got BOOTP reply from Server IP, My IP

    debug: Sending TFTP-request for file G/dboxifa_tmp/tftpboot/u-boot

    will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 140336

    verify sig: 263

    boot net: boot file has no valid signature

    Branching to 0x40000



    U-Boot 1.1.2 (Tuxbox) (Jun 12 2005 - 13:44:14)


    CPU: PPC823ZTnnB2 at 65.900 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache

    Board: DBOX2, Philips, BMon V1.0

    Watchdog enabled

    I2C: ready

    DRAM: 32 MB

    FLASH: 8 MB

    FB: ready

    LCD: ready

    In: serial

    Out: serial

    Err: serial


    BOOTP broadcast 1

    Using SCC ETHERNET device

    TFTP from server; our IP address is

    Filename 'G/dboxifa_tmp/tftpboot/u-boot'.

    Load address: 0x100000

    Loading: *Using SCC ETHERNET device

    TFTP from server; our IP address is

    Filename '/tftpboot/logo-lcd'.

    Load address: 0x100000

    Loading: *##


    Bytes transferred = 7680 (1e00 hex)

    BOOTP broadcast 1

    Using SCC ETHERNET device

    TFTP from server; our IP address is

    Filename 'G/dboxifa_tmp/tftpboot/u-boot'.

    Load address: 0x100000

    Loading: *Using SCC ETHERNET device

    TFTP from server; our IP address is

    Filename '/tftpboot/logo-fb'.

    Load address: 0x100000

    Loading: *####################################


    Bytes transferred = 179877 (2bea5 hex)



    1: Console on null

    2: Console on ttyS0

    3: Console on framebuffer

    Select option (1-3), other keys to stop autoboot: 0


    Bank # 1: INTEL 28F320C3B (32M, bottom boot sect), 32 bit


    Size: 8192 kB in 71 Sectors


    Using SCC ETHERNET device

    TFTP from server; our IP address is

    Filename 'kernel-yadd'.

    Load address: 0x100000

    Loading: *#################################################################




    Bytes transferred = 763552 (ba6a0 hex)


    Un-Protected 63 sectors

    ## Booting image at 00100000 ...

    Image Name: dbox2

    Image Type: PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)

    Data Size: 763488 Bytes = 745.6 kB

    Load Address: 00000000

    Entry Point: 00000000

    Verifying Checksum ... OK

    Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK



    dbox2 - ImageFlashingAssistent


    - Hallenberg.com -


    Wilkommen auf ihrer dbox2



    Starte Backup....

    Schreibe Backup: 8064k von 8064k (100%)

    Backup abgeschlossen!

    Der Flashprozess wird nun gestartet...

    Lösche Sektoren: 63 von 63 (100%)

    Schreibe Daten: 8064k von 8064k (100%)

    Verifziere Daten: 8064k von 8064k (100%)

    Flashen beendet!


    Sie koennen die dbox jetzt ausschalten.



    Please press Enter to activate this console.

    ------ Zusatzinformationen ------

    Gewählter Netzwerkadapter: SiS 900-PCI-Fast Ethernet-Adapter - Paketplaner-Miniport (0)

    IP-Adresse des Netzwerkadapters:

    IP-Adresse die die dbox bekommt:

    Comport: Kommunikationsanschluss (COM1)

    Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

    CPU 1: Intel Pentium III @ 1000 MHz

    Dateiname des Images: flashimage77mhz.img

    Imagetyp: Zwei Flashs

    DBOX-IFA Version: 2.0

    ------ Powered by http://www.dboxservice-hallenberg.de ------

  2. ja ebend das ist das problem! das log ist ok soweit ich auch sehen konnte. alle logs sind ok. also ist das image sauber auf der box. nur leider bleibt diese dann im kernel laden stehen, bzw. ab uboot 040 schaltet sie sich aus. deswegen habe ich großen verdacht auf ein hardwarefehler. nur wo anfangen zu suchen. aus diesem grund hatte ich nach dem ram gefragt, da dass das einzige optische ist was ich gesehen habe und hoffe, dass es daran liegt, denn das könnte ich hier noch reparieren.

  3. nach einigen tagen mit weiteren versuchen komme ich zu folgendem ergebnis. die box hängt sich auf beim starten des kernels.

    werden die speicher eigentlich getestet oder wird vorausgesetzt das es 32mb sind. nach aufschrauben ist mir aufgefallen das die anschlüsse eines speichers sehr vergammelt waren, durch das feute klima hier! könnte es evl damit zusammenhängen, das die box nur 16mb noch hat???


    anbei mein log nochmals. leider nicht das aktuellste image man möge mir verzeihen!



    «debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 66.76 BogoMIPS

    debug: BMon V1.0 mID 02

    debug: feID 00 enxID 03

    debug: fpID 52 dsID http://Hallenberg.com

    debug: HWrev 01 FPrev 0.30

    debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08

    debug: autoboot aborted from terminal


    dbox2:root> boot net net net net net net net net net net


    BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)


    debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast

    debug: Got BOOTP reply from Server IP, My IP

    debug: Sending TFTP-request for file G/dboxifa_tmp/tftpboot/u-boot

    will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 140336

    verify sig: 263

    boot net: boot file has no valid signature

    Branching to 0x40000



    U-Boot 1.1.2 (Tuxbox) (Jun 12 2005 - 13:44:14)


    CPU: PPC823ZTnnB2 at 65.900 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache

    Board: DBOX2, Philips, BMon V1.0

    Watchdog enabled

    I2C: ready

    DRAM: 32 MB

    FLASH: 8 MB

    FB: ready

    LCD: ready

    In: serial

    Out: serial

    Err: serial


    BOOTP broadcast 1

    Using SCC ETHERNET device

    TFTP from server; our IP address is

    Filename 'G/dboxifa_tmp/tftpboot/u-boot'.

    Load address: 0x100000

    Loading: *Using SCC ETHERNET device

    TFTP from server; our IP address is

    Filename '/tftpboot/logo-lcd'.

    Load address: 0x100000

    Loading: *##


    Bytes transferred = 7680 (1e00 hex)

    BOOTP broadcast 1

    Using SCC ETHERNET device

    TFTP from server; our IP address is

    Filename 'G/dboxifa_tmp/tftpboot/u-boot'.

    Load address: 0x100000

    Loading: *Using SCC ETHERNET device

    TFTP from server; our IP address is

    Filename '/tftpboot/logo-fb'.

    Load address: 0x100000

    Loading: *####################################


    Bytes transferred = 179877 (2bea5 hex)



    1: Console on null

    2: Console on ttyS0

    3: Console on framebuffer

    Select option (1-3), other keys to stop autoboot: 0


    Bank # 1: INTEL 28F320C3B (32M, bottom boot sect), 32 bit


    Size: 8192 kB in 71 Sectors


    Using SCC ETHERNET device

    TFTP from server; our IP address is

    Filename 'kernel-yadd'.

    Load address: 0x100000

    Loading: *#################################################################




    Bytes transferred = 763552 (ba6a0 hex)


    Un-Protected 63 sectors

    ## Booting image at 00100000 ...

    Image Name: dbox2

    Image Type: PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)

    Data Size: 763488 Bytes = 745.6 kB

    Load Address: 00000000

    Entry Point: 00000000

    Verifying Checksum ... OK

    Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK



















    dbox2 - ImageFlashingAssistent


    - Hallenberg.com -


    Wilkommen auf ihrer dbox2



    Starte Backup....

    Schreibe Backup: 8064k von 8064k (100%)

    Backup abgeschlossen!

    Der Flashprozess wird nun gestartet...

    Lösche Sektoren: 63 von 63 (100%)

    Schreibe Daten: 8064k von 8064k (100%)

    Verifziere Daten: 8064k von 8064k (100%)

    Flashen beendet!


    Sie koennen die dbox jetzt ausschalten.



    Please press Enter to activate this console.

    ------ Zusatzinformationen ------

    Gewählter Netzwerkadapter: SiS 900-PCI-Fast Ethernet-Adapter - Paketplaner-Miniport (0)

    IP-Adresse des Netzwerkadapters:

    IP-Adresse die die dbox bekommt:

    Comport: Kommunikationsanschluss (COM1)

    Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

    CPU 1: Intel Pentium III @ 1000 MHz

    Dateiname des Images: Gbox_V099_2xI_Philips_fixt_akt_keys_kein_Flackern.img

    Imagetyp: Zwei Flashs

    DBOX-IFA Version: 2.0

    ------ Powered by http://www.dboxservice-hallenberg.de ------

  4. mit seriell geht überhaupt nichts und ohne kommt folgendes



    22:48:54: Server starten..

    22:48:54: .ok!

    22:49:17 ( Client hat falsche Datei angefordert



    gehe mal an meinen 2.pc. und versuche es da.


    also du meinst es ist ein problem vom netzwerk? hat aber bis jetzt immer funktioniert. über seriell lässt sich nichts machen hängt sofort. und über netzwerk ist flashen ok aber ohne ergebnis.

  5. das ist das vom dbox2 flashingassistenten und sie hängt schon hier



    «debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 66.76 BogoMIPS

    debug: BMon V1.0 mID 02

    debug: feID 00 enxID 03

    debug: fpID 52 dsID http://Hallenberg.com

    debug: HWrev 01 FPrev 0.30

    debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08

    debug: autoboot aborted from terminal


    dbox2:root> boot net net net net net net net net net net


    BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)


    debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast

    debug: Got BOOTP reply from Server IP, My IP

    debug: Sending TFTP-request for file G/dboxifa_tmp/tftpboot/u-boot


    ------ Zusatzinformationen ------

    Gewählter Netzwerkadapter: SiS 900-PCI-Fast Ethernet-Adapter - Paketplaner-Miniport (0)

    IP-Adresse des Netzwerkadapters:

    IP-Adresse die die dbox bekommt:

    Comport: Kommunikationsanschluss (COM1)

    Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

    CPU 1: Intel Pentium III @ 1000 MHz

    Dateiname des Images: KEYWELT_V1_JANUAR_2x_SQUASHFS_2006.img

    Imagetyp: Zwei Flashs

    DBOX-IFA Version: 2.0

    ------ Powered by http://www.dboxservice-hallenberg.de ------

  6. das ist das bootlog vom assi!!! weiter komme ich nicht. will das januar image draufpopeln. ohne seriell macht er es ebend ohne probleme. habe es auch mit der pfeil nach oben taste probiert. angeblich alles geschrieben aber leider...

    gleiches mit dem bootmanager. beim booten kommt ein viereck im display und das wars dann.

    ich kann mir gut vorstellen durch das übertakten, dass es nun ein problem mit dem neuflashen gibt?! wie das wohl lösen.

  7. habe es auch schon mit dem assi probiert. sobald ich aber versuche über nullmodem zu flashen bleibt die box hier stehen



    debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 66.76 BogoMIPS

    debug: BMon V1.0 mID 02

    debug: feID 00 enxID 03

    debug: fpID 52 dsID Edit SnowHead: wie bereits mehrfach gesagt, dsID immer überschreiben :unsure:

    debug: HWrev 01 FPrev 0.30

    debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08

    dbox2:root> debug:

    BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)


    debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast

    debug: Got BOOTP reply from Server IP, My IP

    debug: Sending TFTP-request for file C/Dbox2/ppcboot


    habe firewall deaktiviert und auch av. das gleiche geflasht nur mit netzwerk ist alles ok nur leider ebend beim starten hängt sie sich dann wo auf. bin langsam am verzweifeln, habe es immer irgend wie hinbekommen

  8. wenn ich nur über netzwerk flashe kommt das nach fertigstellung raus. mit seriellem kabel bekomme ich kein file geladen



    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    rdate: time.fu-berlin.de: Host name lookup failure

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [audio.cpp:CAudio:34] /dev/dvb/adapter0/audio0: No such file or directory

    [video.cpp:CVideo:33] /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [aviaext.cpp:CAViAext:37] /dev/dbox/aviaEXT: No such file or directory

    $Id: controld.cpp,v 1.117 2004/05/22 14:34:09 carjay Exp $


    [controld] Boxtype detected: (2, Philips D-BOX2)

    [controld] /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0: No such file or directory

    [controld] /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [nhttpd] Neutrino HTTP-Server starting..

    /var/plugins/operations sect_renice

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [LCDFONT] initializing core.../var/plugins/operations epg_reinit


    [LCDFONT] adding font /share/fonts/micron.ttf...[sectionsd] getUTC: open: No suc

    h file or directory

    OK (Micron/Regular)

    [LCDFONT] adding font /share/fonts/micron_bold.ttf...OK (Micron/Bold)

    [LCDFONT] adding font /share/fonts/pakenham.ttf...OK (Pakenham/Regular)

    [LCDFONT] Intializing font cache...

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    starte epg_watchdog

    dbox2 watchdog v0.81 by bsdice

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [neutrino] frameBuffer Instance created

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    /dev/fb/0: No such file or directory

    framebuffer not available.

    FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO: Bad file descriptor

    FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO: Bad file descriptor

    [neutrino] Error while setting framebuffer mode

    zapit shot down :unsure:

    /var/plugins/operations camd_exit

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [basicsocket] receive_data: Connection reset by peer

    [CBasicClient] receive failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused

    busy /tmp/zapit.sock

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused

    broke /tmp/zapit.sock

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 15 seconds)

    /var/plugins/operations cardserver_stop

    /var/plugins/operations camd_stop

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: Connection refused

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 14 seconds)

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    $Id: zapit.cpp,v 1.384 2005/11/28 21:59:54 Kroki & Worschter Exp $

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [zapit] MAX_SOCKETS=3

    [zapit] PMT update enabled

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 13 seconds)

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    beende camd37xx

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    <14>Jan 1 01:00:42 camd3: fahre runter...

    <14>Jan 1 01:00:42 camd3: UDP: fahre runter...

    <14>Jan 1 01:00:42 camd3: Slot /dev/tts/1: schliesse...

    <14>Jan 1 01:00:42 camd3: Slot /dev/tts/1: warte auf Monitor...

    <14>Jan 1 01:00:42 camd3: HTTP: stopped

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 12 seconds)

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    <14>Jan 1 01:00:44 camd3: Slot /dev/tts/1: geschlossen


    <14>Jan 1 01:00:44 camd3: KeyDB: beendet

    <14>Jan 1 01:00:44 camd3: camd v3.831 - erfolgreich beendet

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 11 seconds)

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 10 seconds)

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 9 seconds)

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 8 seconds)

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 7 seconds)

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 6 seconds)

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 5 seconds)

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 4 seconds)

    [CBasicClient] connect failed: /tmp/zapit.sock

    /tmp/zapit.sock: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 3 seconds)

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    Waiting for controld (max. 2 seconds)

    [getservices] /var/tuxbox/config/zapit/myservices.xml found.

    [getservices] dup transponder id 3 onid 85

    [getservices] dup transponder id 11 onid 85

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [getservices] dup transponder id 4 onid 85

    [getservices] dup transponder id 1 onid 85

    [getservices] dup transponder id 457 onid 1

    Waiting for controld (max. 1 seconds)

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    STV6412 found

    SET VSW: 2 3

    SET VSW: 1 2

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    Unmounting 'ramfs' on '/tmp'

    umount: /tmp: Device or resource busy

    Unmounting 'jffs2' on '/var'

    umount: forced umount of /dev/mtdblock/2 failed!

    Oops: umount failed :-( -- trying to remount readonly...

    [sectionsd] getUTC: open: No such file or directory

    Ready to shutdown system...

    The system is going down NOW !![ConfigFile] Unable to open file /var/tuxbox/conf

    ig/controld.conf for writing.

    [nhttpd] stop requested......

    Sending SIGKILL to all processes.

    The system is halted. Press Reset or turn off power




    beim flash mit seriell habe ich dann das:



    debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 66.76 BogoMIPS

    debug: BMon V1.0 mID 02

    debug: feID 00 enxID 03

    debug: fpID 52 dsID Edit SnowHead: dsID immer überschreiben!

    debug: HWrev 01 FPrev 0.30

    debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08

    dbox2:root> debug:

    BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)


    debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast

    debug: Given up BOOTP/TFTP boot

    boot net failed


    Flash-FS bootstrap loader (v1.5)


    Found Flash-FS superblock version 3.1

    Found file /root/platform/philips-dbox2/kernel/os in Flash-FS

    debug: Got Block #0040


    will verify ELF image, start= 0x800000, size= 153668

    verify sig: 262

    Branching to 0x40000



    U-Boot 1.1.2 (Tuxbox) (Dec 28 2005 - 01:56:29)


    CPU: PPC823ZTnnB2 at 66 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache

    Board: DBOX2, Philips, BMon V1.0

    Watchdog enabled

    I2C: ready

    DRAM: 32 MB

    FLASH: 8 MB

    Scanning JFFS2 FS: ... done.

    FB: ready

    LCD: ready

    In: serial

    Out: serial

    Err: serial




    1: Console on null

    2: Console on ttyS0

    3: Console on framebuffer

    Select option (1-3), other keys to stop autoboot: 0

    ### FS (squashfs) loading 'vmlinuz' to 0x100000

    ### FS load complete: 666402 bytes loaded to 0x100000


    Un-Protected 63 sectors

    ## Booting image at 00100000 ...

    Image Name: dbox2

    Image Type: PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)

    Data Size: 666338 Bytes = 650.7 kB

    Load Address: 00000000

    Entry Point: 00000000

    Verifying Checksum ... OK

    Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK

    Linux version 2.4.31-dbox2 (image@tower) (gcc version 3.4.4) #2 Mi Dez 28 02:33:

    07 CET 2005

    On node 0 totalpages: 8192

    zone(0): 8192 pages.

    zone(1): 0 pages.

    zone(2): 0 pages.

    Kernel command line: console=ttyS0 root=/dev/mtdblock1 rootfstype=squashfs

    Decrementer Frequency = 247500000/60

    m8xx_wdt: active wdt found (SWTC: 0xFFFF, SWP: 0x1)

    m8xx_wdt: keep-alive trigger installed (PITC: 0x2000)

    Console: colour dummy device 80x25

    Calibrating delay loop... 65.74 BogoMIPS

    Memory: 30832k available (1132k kernel code, 344k data, 60k init, 0k highmem)

    Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)

    Inode cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)

    Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)

    Buffer cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)

    Page-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)

    POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX

    Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4

    Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039

    Initializing RT netlink socket

    Starting kswapd

    devfs: v1.12c (20020818) Richard Gooch (rgooch@atnf.csiro.au)

    devfs: boot_options: 0x1

    JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) © 2001-2003 Red Hat, Inc.

    Squashfs 2.2-r2 (released 2005/09/08) © 2002-2005 Phillip Lougher

    i2c-core.o: i2c core module version 2.6.1 (20010830)

    i2c-dev.o: i2c /dev entries driver module version 2.6.1 (20010830)

    CPM UART driver version 0.04

    ttyS0 at 0x0280 is on SMC1 using BRGttyS1 at 0x0380 is on SMC2 using BRG2

    pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured

    eth0: CPM ENET Version 0.2.dbox2 on SCC2, 00:50:9c:2b:ea:18

    loop: loaded (max 8 devices)

    D-Box 2 flash driver (size->0x800000 mem->0x10000000)

    D-Box 2 flash memory: Found 2 x16 devices at 0x0 in 32-bit bank

    Intel/Sharp Extended Query Table at 0x0035

    cfi_cmdset_0001: Erase suspend on write enabled

    Creating 6 MTD partitions on "D-Box 2 flash memory":

    0x00000000-0x00020000 : "BR bootloader"

    0x00020000-0x00540000 : "root (squashfs)"

    0x00540000-0x007e0000 : "var (jffs2)"

    0x007e0000-0x00800000 : "flfs (u-boot)"

    0x00020000-0x00800000 : "Flash without bootloader"

    0x00000000-0x00800000 : "Complete Flash"

    Linux video capture interface: v1.00

    mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice

    NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0

    IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP

    IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4Kbytes

    TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 4096)

    Linux IP multicast router 0.06 plus PIM-SM

    NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.

    VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly.

    Mounted devfs on /dev

    Freeing unused kernel memory: 60k init

    init started: BusyBox v1.01 (2005.12.28-01:21+0000) multi-call bUsing /lib/modu


    event: $Id: event.c,v 1.12 2003/09/30 05:45:38 obi Exp $

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/tuxbox.o

    Using /var/modules/dvb-core.o

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/dbox2_i2c.o

    [i2c-8xx]: mpc 8xx i2c init

    [i2c-8xx]: adapter: 0

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/dbox2_fp.o

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/dbox2_fp_input.o

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/avs.o

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/saa7126.o

    Detected STB:

    Vendor: Philips

    Model: D-BOX2

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/cam.o

    $Id: cam.c,v 1.30 2004/01/10 16:36:34 alexw Exp $

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/dvb_i2c_bridge.o

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/avia_napi.o

    $Id: avia_napi.c,v 1.18 2003/11/24 09:53:01 obi Exp $

    DVB: registering new adapter (C-Cube AViA GTX/eNX with AViA 500/600).

    dvb_i2c_bridge: enabled DVB i2c bridge to PowerPC 8xx I2C adapter

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/cam_napi.o

    $Id: cam_napi.c,v 1.8 2003/09/30 05:45:34 obi Exp $

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/dbox2_fp_napi.o

    Using /lib/modules/2.4.31-dbox2/misc/avia_av.o

    avia_av: $Id: avia_av_core.c,v 1.98 2004/11/21 20:33:38 carjay Exp $

    debug: DDF: Calibrating delay loop... debug: DDF: 66.76 BogoMIPS


    debug: BMon V1.0 mID 02

    debug: feID 00 enxID 03

    debug: fpID 52 dsID Edit SnowHead: dsID immer überschreiben!

    debug: HWrev 01 FPrev 0.30

    debug: B/Ex/Fl(MB) 32/00/08

    dbox2:root> debug:

    BOOTP/TFTP bootstrap loader (v0.3)


    debug: Transmitting BOOTP request via broadcast

    debug: Got BOOTP reply from Server IP, My IP

    debug: Sending TFTP-request for file C/Dbox2/ppcboot



    ich hoffe ihr könnt damit was anfangen um meinen briefbeschwerer wieder zum leben zu erwecken.

  9. die box kann ich mit nem neuen image flashen, was auch funktioniert. sie startet dann bis zur begrüßung im anschluss sollte sich beim weiterladen der startbildschirm ausschalten und man kann dann die imageversion sehen. davor schaltet sie sich aus. ich habe alles mit verschiedenen versionen von images probiert und alle mit dem selben ergebnis. könnte durch die übertaktung ein hardwarefehler vorliegen??? ich habe zwar 8 chips hüte verpasst und noch dazu nen lüfter.

  10. habe meine philips mit aktiver kühlung und dem v3 image mit 75mhz am laufen gehabt ohne hänger und abstürze. leider lebe ich in vietnam wo die stromversorgung nicht all zu gut ist und öfters mal probleme mit der versorgung gibt. nach so einem fall wollte ich die box einschalten doch ich komme nur bis zum startbildschirm, danach geht sie in den standby.

    der versuch neue images zu flashen funktioniet, mit dem gleichen ergebnis! woran kann es liegen?

  11. hi hab leider mit dem image das selbe problem!!! takte die box mit 77mhz und alles läuft super! nur leider beim dvd abspielen muss ich den : weglassen und audioplayer sowie bildbetrachter funktioniert nicht. mit anderem oder altem image ist alles ok!!!

  12. hatte das gleiche problem mit dem dvd´s abspielen. bei anderen images funktioniert es einwandfrei.

    doppelpunkt weg greift er wenigstens auf das dvd laufwerk zu, habe aber weder ton noch bild. kann aber auch den player nicht mehr beenden außer stecker raus.

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