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Über diese Datei

(Voraussetzung ist mindestens KW-Image 2013 August V1 oder höher)

Änderungen gegenüber der August-Release 2013 V1.3

GIT-Stand: 06.03.2014 - gcc-4.1.2 kompiliert
    - hxd v0.70.02 entfernt
    - inadyn-mt aus /bin entfernt - kann nun online nachinstalliert werden
    - Samba 3.0.37 Tauglichkeit hergestellt
Jede Menge Fixe und Erweiterungen:




Neutrino LIRC documentation: make valid HTML
timerd documentation: make valid HTML
nhttpd NeutrinoAPI: use AllChannelList directly in ChannelNameToChannelId()
nhttpd NeutrinoAPI: only try to change channel if mode matches
nhttpd NeutrinoAPI: return first found channel when converting name to ID
nhttpd documentation: correct services.xml and bouquets.xml examples
nhttpd documentation: reformat XML examples
nhttpd documentation: add information how to get timers in XML format
nhttpd documentation: make valid HTML
nhttpd controlapi: consider all channels when converting name to ID
nhttpd controlapi: add EPG search
timerd: prevent events from being deleted while sending them to neutrino
Neutrino timer list: remove unnecessary check for last deleted event
Neutrino plugin list: only show full window if necessary
Neutrino event list: consider announce time instead of start time when asking user on timer conflict
Neutrino: don't get full EPG data if not needed
nhttpd controlapi and yParser: avoid unnecessary socket communication if current EPG is not available
nhttpd NeutrinoAPI: fix getting channel events if sections scan is active
Neutrino SHTDCNT: init shutdown cnt
Neutrino CBookmarkManager: init bookmarksmodified in constructor
nhttpd yParser: fix apparent typo
yWeb: bump version to
timerd: reset EPG ID when modifying record or zapto timer
Neutrino timerlist: sort timer type chooser alphabetically
Neutrino CVCRControl: always use correct EPG ID when filling movie infos
Neutrino CVCRControl: only use current EPG if it has wanted EPG title
Neutrino timerlist: skip repeated timer event with blue key
Neutrino CVCRControl: use EPG title of timer if EPG entry missing
timerd: also init recording and zapto safety if config file doesn't exist
XMLTreeNode::AddNode: fix logic error (in unused branch)
XML Parser::storeAtts: don't leak in case of realloc failure
XML Parser: initialize variable
Neutrino: add possibility to set initial volume
Neutrino filebrowser: don't add selected file on OK press, if files marked
Neutrino CMenuWidget: don't add a separatorline when no button and no section text is given



Das Update erfolgt über die Expertenfunktionen durch Einspielen der Partition
"root (squashfs+lzma)". Das Root-Image im 2xI-Bereich ist auch für Sagems1xI
verwendbar und wird deshalb nicht extra noch einmal in den 1xI-Bereich gepackt.

Das Root-Update steht auch als Online-Update zur Verfügung.

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